Monday 5 July 2010

Tank Animation

For my final project in 3d Animation i had to put together a moving tank. I had to create all of the body kit and also had to animate the whole thing.

Overall i think this project went quite well. I think that it went better than i thought it would and glad that i got the actual animation moving. Im glad that my tanks actually looks like a tank and im glad of the basic shape of the tank.

However i think that the wheels are too much spaced out and i think that it would have looked better with a different texture. I think that a camouflaged texture would have looked alot better and more professional. I think i should have also spent more time in adding more detail to the tank like the gun and also extra parts the tank should contain. I think i should have done more research into tanks and looked more into depth into how they are put together and other methods.

I couldn't use 3d max as well as i thought i could and i think that you could tell this from my final design so next time i think i will look into 3d max and see how to use the tools. I think that if i had to do a tank again i would have spent more time on it and maybe take a different approach to the way i make it.

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